Rachel Feehan Rachel Feehan

Why Organic?

Growing up in Vermont, my parents faithfully made sure that we ate Cabot dairy products, used real maple syrup, and baked with King Arthur flour. I have become quite picky about the flour I choose to purchase for my family and my customers, and one of the most important components is that it MUST be organic. From feeding my starter to the finished product, I use 100% organic flour every single time.

But, why is this important? Does it REALLY matter? I would say that it absolutely does! Our food has been adulterated in ways that are downright irritating to those of us who are attempting to eat nourishing foods. Non-organic wheat is sprayed with glyphosate right before harvesting in order to kill the plant and quickly dry out the grain. If you do just a little bit of your own research, you will find that glyphosate is not good for our health. At. All. I do everything I possible can to avoid glyphosate at all costs. I have very personal reasons for making this important decision, and it is worth it to me to do what I can to keep products sprayed with glyphosate out of my house.

Of course, wheat is NOT GMO, as so many people mistakenly claim, but it has been hybridized over the years. Semantics? Maybe. However, making distinctions between the two terms and avoiding conflating the two is important to those of us who bake for a living. Investing in organic flour for my family and my customers is a non-negotiable, and it is worth it for me to seek out the best quality I can for those I care about. I have even baked organic sourdough baked goods using Einkorn flour, which is quite expensive. However, this ancient non-hybridized wheat is especially helpful to people who are extremely gluten sensitive. I do not bake with Einkorn all of the time, but it is a nice option for those who prefer it. I have had countless customers tell me that they never thought they would be able to enjoy real bread again. To hear how these wonderful people are now able to enjoy organic sourdough without side effects puts wind in my sails when the baking to-do list continues to grow!

If you have any questions, or you would like to place an order, please reach out here on my website, or contact me via facebook or Instagram. You can be confident in knowing that if I would not feed it to my family, I will not sell it to my customers. Providing delicious, nutritious, 100% organic sourdough baked goods and more at a fair price is my promise to you.

***above image is a free stock photo***

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