Ingredients for Organic Sourdough Bread vs. “Sour Dough Bread”

I recently came across a bakery facebook page from another state selling “sour dough” bread with the following ingredients: unbleached white bread flour, vegetable oil, white sugar, salt, egg, potato, and yeast. While I am sure the bread is delicious, it does not appear to be genuine sourdough. “Authentic Sourdough is a method of making bread that requires special fermentation by bacteria and wild yeast. My sourdough ferments slowly over a period of 18-48 hours or more to yield a delicious and nutritious baked good. The health benefits and flavor of sourdough baked goods is like none other. Most store bought sourdough breads use commercial yeast and a sour flavoring added to the dough to make their loaves of "sourdough" bread. Genuine Sourdough Bread uses flour, water, and salt at its most basic form”. (from my fb page 4/2019)

I am quite familiar with baking with commercial yeast, and would still do so if a customer requested that I use it. However, most of my recipes have been converted to sourdough. While I am not opposed the breads produced as the one above (minus the vegetable oil🥴), the loaf ingredients I happened to view online does not appear to be a true sourdough. Be assured, one can enjoy a nutritious and delicious loaf of bread prepared with commercial yeast if organic sprouted wheat flour or freshly milled organic wheat flour are used. When you purchase the Plain Sourdough Sandwich Loaf, Artisan Boule, or Baguettes from Rachel Mae Bakes in their most basic form, you will end up with an incredibly delicious loaf containing only THREE ingredients - organic flour, Redmond Real Salt, and Crystal Springs purified water. You can be confident that you are receiving bread the way it was meant to be prepared - exclusively using the finest ingredients and implementing long fermentation utilizing sourdough starter as its only leavening agent.💕 - Linked here is a terrific blog post for more information about the superiority of sourdough.


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