Big Changes Coming…

In the next several weeks I will be implementing a more streamlined system for ordering baked goods and updating payment methods. Up until this point, I have taken orders via fb comments, fb messages, Instagram messages, texts, and emails. All of this has worked quite well until recent days. Back in 2017 when I began this little business, I used the tagline, “baking is my hobby”. It has become quite apparent that I can no longer call this a hobby anymore, and I have enlisted the help of one of my talented customers to curate a more efficient way for clients to order and pay for their goods. The steady and lasting growth of Rachel Mae Bakes has brought about some exciting growing pains. The time has come for me to overhaul my ordering protocol to meet the demands.

As you have noticed, I have over 50 items listed on this website, and I have no plans to slow down.😊 I will be enacting a system of cycling through the items customers can order from each week, while still honoring special orders when given ample lead time. Starting in the next few weeks, customers will have the opportunity to order from the website and pay online. I will make allowances for customers who prefer to pay in cash to have the opportunity to do so.

I fully expect some hiccups along the way as I transition to a more time-saving method of doing things. However, you all have demonstrated much patience with me in the past, and I am confident that you will extend grace as we make these much-needed changes. Please know that I will always do my best to make things as easy for you. If ever you have concerns or questions, please reach out to me, and I will do what I can to help. I empathize with any of you who dislike changes like this. However, I do hope that giving you all advance warning will provide the time necessary to ask questions, offer suggestions, and mentally prepare

Thank you to every single one of you who faithfully, enthusiastically, and loyally support Rachel Mae Bakes. The majority of my customers come to me via word of mouth, and that really puts “wind in my sails”. Please reach out in the coming days with any questions or concerns you may have. You all are literally the best customers anyone could ask for.💕


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