She is My Why

She is my why. Why I research like crazy. Why I study. Why I switched to organic ingredients, sourdough included...which she cannot even eat. Why I invested in a mill and organic wheat berries. You see - as much as I love all of my customers, my utmost priority is to take care of my family. When I found out that there may be a chance for my sweet, sweet girl to enjoy bread again, there was a glimmer of hope that perhaps freshly milled wheat might be an option for her. I've been mulling this over in my mind for a while, and a very recent podcast had a guest share a personal anecdote of healing from her autoimmune disease using freshly milled organic wheat. I began to wonder if it would work for my sidekick, and am now hopeful that it just might.

There are lots of new people here, and many of you do not know that both my husband and daughter have battled autoimmune conditions requiring long hospital stays, surgeries, pain, sleepless nights, tears, prayers for wisdom and healing. My loved ones have suffered much more than people know, and they have done so valiantly. My role is one of caretaker, and I take it seriously.

If my investing in this WonderMill and organic wheat berries would give my daughter the opportunity to perhaps enjoy bread and baked goods again, then it was worth it to me. I am careful about sharing too much personal information on social media, but giving you the biggest "why" behind it all helps others see my heart behind what I do in my little corner of the baking world. It's this special girl, her big brothers, and their dad. Goodness, I love them all so much, and they're worth every effort expended.🥰


“Freshly Milled Unsifted Flour”


Word of Mouth is Huge!